Planning Permission FAQ – The Basics Covered
Approaching the subject of planning permission for the very first time can be rather daunting to say the least. Not only is it a process that most are not familiar with, but the outcome will undoubtedly determine whether or not those filing the application will be able to go ahead with their plans.
According to the experts at Albright Dene, more UK homeowners than ever before are filing planning permission applications in order to go about home improvements geared toward either their own lifestyles or for the purposes of increasing property values ahead of a sale. But despite the growing number of applicants each year, the public’s general level of knowledge when it comes to planning permission and planning permission applications is actually rather on the low side.
So in order to clear up a few of the basics, what follows is a quick introduction to just a few of the most commonly asked questions of all with regard to planning permission and its specifics:
Q – For Small Builds, is it Really Worth Bothering?
Undoubtedly, the most commonly asked question of all is that in relation to whether or not planning permission is in fact 100% necessary. Needless to say, it tends to be a question asked all the more frequently by those going about smaller home alterations and minor construction projects, for which it can seem unnecessary to apply for official permission. As far as the experts are concerned however, if what you are going about is of any importance to you or your home, it is of crucial importance to find out whether or not you need planning permission. If in any doubt, contact the experts for a consultation as while it might seem like a very minor project to you, if it oversteps the mark by way of official guidelines by so much as an inch, you may find yourself in a lot of trouble.
Q – Isn’t It All Luck of the Draw or Personal Opinion?
It’s often said that the outcome of applications can and will be determined by the personal opinions of the person considering it, or the mood they happen to be in on the day. Mercifully, this is however completely inaccurate as each and every application filed is put through a very specific process which assesses it in accordance with strict criteria which in no way come down to personal opinion. So whether your application is accepted or refused, you can rest assured it is unlikely to have come down to luck of the draw.
Q – Does it Take Long to Get an Answer?
Exactly how long it will take to get an answer will be determined by the nature and complexity of the application, along with how busy the application office is at the time. As a general rule of thumb, experts recommend allowing a minimum of four weeks in order for your application to be processed and the decision returned to you, though it can take as long as two months during busy times.
Q – If I’m Refused, Will They Tell Me Why?
In a word, yes. In order for an application to be turned down it must be turned down in accordance with the criteria with which it was considered in the first place. As such, while it may be a regrettable outcome to have your application refused, you will at least know why this was the case and thus be able to make alterations as necessary in order to have better luck next time.
Q – Can I Apply for the Same Permission More than Once?
If you believe that your application was turned down unfairly or that all elements were not fairly considered, there is nothing to stop you applying more than once for exactly the same permission. That being said, the appeals process can be rather difficult and once an application has been turned down, it is statistically less likely to be accepted the second, third or fifth time. Nevertheless, you are technically within your rights to apply as many times as you like.
Q – Who Can Help Me With the Process?
Last but not least, it is always worth considering speaking to the experts ahead of making a planning permission application in order to facilitate a swift and smooth process. What’s more, if you are planning on going about an appeal or repeat application following refusal, it is especially important you speak to the professionals. Look for a quality service provider with an established track record and a specialism in planning permission and property development – a service provider that is 100% independent with no specific brand ties.