Ensure Your Health In Emergency Situation With Health Cards
Health is always a matter of concern in every walk of our lives. We want to stay away from stressful life and plan a holiday that might give us a tensions free moments. However, we never know what happens the very next hour in our life because life is unpredictable. In order to secure your health from any kind of medical emergencies an insurance card is the one and only option.
Why Need A Health Cards?
The government of Europe has made the life of the citizen who is residing within the EEA countries by introducing European health insurance card. A common question asked by the citizen of Europe is regarding the importance of this health card. This health card is regarded as useful items for the people who are living in the European subcontinent for it ensure health security for them. One of the best features of this card is that it can be sued whenever you are travelling within the boundary of European territory. A citizen becomes free from paying any extra costs for their medical treatment with the help of this insurance card.
How to Get the Card?
It is quite simple to obtain this health card. If you are a citizen of Europe and still do not have the card then you should immediately apply for the cards. In order to get the health card, you have to log in to the official website of the European Health Insurance card and fill up a form. You need to fill up the following detail:
- Name
- Birthdate
- Address
- health and care number (for the resident of Northern Ireland)
- CHI number (for Scotland residents)
- NHS number (for Wales and England)
You are required to beware of those sites that charge money for obtaining this card. It is free of cost as it is given by the UK government to its citizens. The above-mentioned details are to be filled up by the citizens and they have to make sure that all the details are properly mentioned. In case any your detail is not filled up your form is likely to get cancelled.
Oops! Lost the health Card?
As it is mentioned in the entire article the European health insurance card is a helpful thing so you have to keep it safe. It might happen that you have lost the card and suddenly you are stuck in an emergency. In such a situation, the only thing that you can do is to give a call to the healthcare team overseas and you can claim for the replacement certificate. In case you are not in a hurry then you can apply for another health card. The PRC can be taken as an alternative for the health card so it might help you in case you have lost the health card.
Thus it can be concluded that one needs to get through the knowledge of the proceedings and document requirements for the healthcare. A person has to make it clear that it is not an alternative for your travel card.