Go Organic To Control The Microorganisms And Pests
Who does not want to get rid of the pests and the temptation to wipe them out of your life is very strong.
With this urge in mind we tend to use the chemical weapons intending to get rid of the pests. This might give a temporary relief but the pests may surface again after some time. Using the chemicals may also kill the useful organisms. Using these harsh chemical for a longer time, you expose yourself also to the surroundings of toxic chemicals and also disrupt the natural environment and ecosystem of your garden.
Keeping this in mind it is better to opt for the organic approach of controlling pests.
Opting for the organic methods of controlling pests means a healthier environment and a healthier garden for you.
- Spend time with your plants: It suggests that you spend a little more time in your garden and watch out for any early signs of pest attacks and nip it in the bud. The latest research shows that 95% of the insects on the plants are beneficial, some are pollinators, and some are predators which feed on the actual enemies and some break down the organic material.
- Grow the plants in a healthy soil: It is important to add the organic matter to the garden periodically to enhance the nutrients of the soil. The fertilizers improve the soil structure and the water holding capacity of the soil. Controlling of the weeds is equally important and pulling them out carefully and regularly is very important.
- Remove or dispose any infected plants: It is a good exercise to mow or remove the weeds around the garden since the weeds infest the pests. Loosening the soil with a spade or fork exposes the unwanted eggs, larvae etc. to the birds or the hot or cold environment so that they die and get removed naturally.
- Crop Rotation: Crop rotation is very essential to retain the nutrients of the soil. If the same crop is grown at the same place every year, there are increased chances of the pest attack. On the contrary, the growing of different crops every year will reduce the risk of the pest infestation.
- Varieties resistant to pests: Certain varieties of crops have strong resistance to the pests and diseases. These qualities of the crops can be easily identified as it is mentioned clearly on the packets of seeds of the crops for plantation.
- Avoid overcrowding of plants: The plants need sufficient space to breathe and remain healthy. Perfect air circulations help reducing the dampness and hence controlling the infestations of pests and fungi.
- Inspect your plants: Regular inspections to the garden area or the crops help addressing any problems before they become problematic. Be sure to remove any suspected or unwanted foliage before it spreads the disease.
- Clean tools: Make sure to disinfect your tools from time to time as the clinging soil on the tools harbour microorganisms which can mix with the ground soil again and infect the healthy plants also. A good disinfectant is a bleach solution.
It is better to work with nature and go organic for controlling pests than to go for the harmful chemicals…!!!