University Of Phoenix Reviews: Don Richards — Bachelor Of Science In Management
Everyone’s degree journey is different, and every student’s reason for choosing University of Phoenix is unique. For Don Richards, the flexibility of the University of Phoenix’s online degree program drew him to the school. In fact, his company suggested it. According to Richards, he was motivated to pursue his degree for two reasons. He wanted to be an example for his children, and he wanted a bachelor’s degree to be eligible to move up in his company.
Richards used his company’s tuition reimbursement program to finance his degree. However, his position required him to relocate frequently as well as travel for business. Every time he relocated, he took a huge step backward in his degree program because new schools would not accept all of his previous work or credits for transfer. Plus, he often missed classes because he was out of town for travel. Richards became extremely frustrated. Eventually, his company reached out and told him that they wanted him to be able to finish his degree. They suggested he transfer to the University of Phoenix’s online program, which would allow him to work on his degree from any location. It’s that flexibility that sold Richards on the program.
However, flexibility isn’t the only thing that appealed to Richards in the University of Phoenix program. From the online learning platform, he was able to work on projects with students from all over the globe. This experience was helpful to him in his job since he works for a multinational Fortune 500 company and frequently interacts closely with people from other countries and cultures. He also says that completing the degree program made him a better manager and helped him to compartmentalize, prioritize and communicate better.
Richards advises anyone thinking of enrolling at the University of Phoenix not to delay: “I could never have gotten my degree if I hadn’t gone to University of Phoenix”.
The University of Phoenix offers a variety of business undergraduate and graduate degrees. These include Bachelor of Science programs in business, management, accounting and communication as well as Master of Business Administration and Master of Management degrees. The University of Phoenix has 22 campuses across the country for in-person learning and is available online to students worldwide. Details and a complete catalogue are available at phoenix.edu.
More than one million students have earned degrees from the University of Phoenix since the school was founded in 1976. In addition to Richards, University of Phoenix alumni include basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal, NBC News correspondent Christina Brown and former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters.
University of Phoenix is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission The University accepts all students who have earned a high school diploma, GED or equivalent.