What Are Anabolic Medicines? Do We Really Need Them?
Anabolic are also known as anabolic-androgenic medicine. They are basically a manmade or synthetic version of the male growth hormone, testosterone. Testosterone works at two levels in the human body. Its androgenic part works as the growth hormone responsible for the development of the male genitals, growth of facial hair and the overall development of the body. The anabolic part concentrates on increasing bone and muscle mass. These special steroids are created with the intention of minimizing the androgenic effects and concentrate largely on its anabolic effects.
Anabolic steroids were first developed in the 1930s for medicinal usage. They were mainly used to treat conditions and ailments related to the male sexual organ. For instance the drug proved effective in treating conditions such as hypogonadism, wherein the male reproductive organ or the Testicles are unable to produce sufficient levels of the male hormone testosterone that facilitates the process of normal growth and development in a healthy male adolescent.
Scientists however, later discovered through repeated experiments conducted in controlled laboratory conditions that these anabolic steroids were greatly successful in encouraging the growth of skeletal muscles. It was precisely this factor that lead to avalanche of research and study in this area, leading to a considerable increase in the production and consumption of the anabolic steroid. Weightlifters and bodybuilders soon began to consume these drugs to fasten up the process of muscle development.
Medically, anabolic-androgenic steroids are prescribed to individuals who are suffering from delayed physical growth or to those individuals who are suffering from diseases such as Cancer or AIDS that causes a drastic loss of muscle strength and muscle mass. In case of sports personalities, the purpose behind its consumption is to speed up the body’s natural muscle-building process.
When these medicines are consumed by an individual, it enters the blood stream and travels to the muscle tissue. From here on, once the muscle cell receives the supply of the steroid, it interacts and assimilates itself with the cell’s DNA to stimulate the protein synthesis process which in turn initiates muscle development and growth.
Athletes, who consume these steroids on a regular basis, usually experiment and develop their own personal permutations and combinations. Different combinations yield different results for muscle growth. These variants determine whether the individual will attain a bulky and beefy body like that of professional weight lifter or a more muscled and toned body such as that of a swimmer.
In recent times it has been noticed that the dependency on these anabolic steroids has been witnesses amongst female body builders as well. They work in the same manner as in the case of male athletes. However as these steroids are mainly derivatives of the male testosterone hormone, its usage and dosage needs to be monitored closely. The androgenic effects of the steroids have to be controlled and kept to the minimum as female athletes mostly want to achieve faster muscle growth. The Anavar Winstrol Cycle has proved its effectiveness in promoting faster muscle growth especially in female body builders with the risk of minimum side effects. Read the Anavar article to know more!