Will COVID-19 Be In History Books In The Future?
Covid 19 as of May 2, 2020, has killed 240,000 people and counting every second. People with infected cases are also on the rapid rise and now crossing 3,400, 000. Apart from that, it has brought the world economy to a standstill. More than half the humans are locked inside their homes, while lions sleep on the roads now. However, the question is, will Covid 19 be in the history books in the future.
Predecessors of Covid-19
The deadly pathogen not even visible to the naked eye has affected people in more than 210 countries worldwide now. Its predecessors SARS, MERS, and others did not have such an impact and were under control at one stage. However, the uncertainty of the novel coronavirus is eluding even the best scientists until now. They are unable even to find the appropriate treatment, apart from finding vaccination for it. That makes it to be part of many historical recordings, including the Ancient Encyclopedia. Now a pathogen is a splendidly economical weapon, transforming its casualties into its conveyance framework.
Mass human killers in the ancient encyclopedia
Many mass killers of humans from ancient times and recorded in ancient encyclopedia that includes
- Malaria, a mosquito carrier disease, is stalking humans and killing the greater part of a million people globally annually, much after its significant drop in the last two decades.
- The sixth-century Justinian plagues slew 50 million individuals and a comparable pathogen slew 200 million in the fourteenth century.
- The influenza pandemic that happened in 1918 changed the world more than ever thrashed roughly 100 million individuals
- In the twentieth century, Smallpox thrashed 300 million individuals and now under control due to its vaccinations
- From the 1980s HIV had thrashed 32 million and diseased 75 million individuals and continuing without vaccination
Now scientists worldwide are on a frantic search for finding first treatment to stop the deaths that are increasing by thousands and thousands every day. Also, humans are social creatures, which has become a challenge as only social distancing could prevent from being infected by SARS-CoV-2. It is now the topic of all humans worldwide, with everyone afraid of it and its uncertainty of the future. So apart from becoming part of the ancient encyclopedia, COVID-19 will surely be in the history books of the future.