Your Internet Suicide- How to Disappear From Online Forever
Are you familiar with this awkward moment when you know that your boss check your personal information on the Web? How would you describe the feeling when you try to control yourself and not to write any strange or provocative comment on your Facebook timeline, because you know it will be read by your employers, jealous spouse, or friends who shouldn’t have read it? The Internet knows everything about us, and this fact frustrates, doesn’t it? Fortunately, it’s not difficult to delete yourself from the Web completely.
A such-called Internet suicide will be your only way out: 5 simple steps will help you disappear from online world forever.
Step 1: Delete All Your Social Accounts
The first thing that will be bombed is a search engines result of your name or nicknames. Typically, these are your accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or other popular social networks where you use your real name. So, let’s delete these profiles from the Web:
Facebook: Use account delete option. But remember, that your account will not disappear at once, because you are given 14 days to change your mind and restore it.
Pay attention to the fact, that all information will disappear without any chance to restore it. Probably, some messages will remain, but you will not find any marks anymore. If you want all tagged photos to disappear, just inform the support team that you didn’t give any permission to post this picture. You can also contact your friend directly and ask him to remove all photos where you were tagged.
Twitter: To delete your profile from Twitter, visit Tools and go to the very end of this page. You’ll see the link ‘Delete my profile’ there – this is what you need exactly. Your account will be deleted completely, but all your tweets will disappear from search engines in few weeks only.
Google+: Well, it’s a little more complicated to delete your Google+ account, because it is linked to your Google account. If you still want to disappear from this network, then go to your account settings and click the link ‘Delete my profile and all related Google+ services’. Farewell to mail, calendars, maps, and everything! Your Google account still works, but you don’t have your Google + profile anymore.
Step 2: Delete Yourself From Search Engines
Once you’ve got rid of your social networks profiles, their content will still continue floating on the Web (your photos, notes, resumes, etc.). The first step here is to figure our where exactly your information is displayed online, and any search engine can help you here. The only way to remove your data from these websites is to contact them directly and ask to delete any information about you, or your name at least.
After that, you can ask search engines to remove all edited pages, or index them again.
We don’t guarantee that it will work. But it’s worth trying. Your chances increase, if these publications violate your copyright, or they display your confidential information. If it’s still impossible to delete yourself from search engines completely, just try to destroy all your personal data where it is possible. So, your name will be the only thing possible to find online.
Step 3: Say Goodbye To Your Social Life
Social networks are not the only place where you can be found online. There are different databases on the Web, where anyone can find the information about you. You can delete all such info for money ($99) or try to do that by yourself.
If you are lucky to do that, you’ll destroy all the info that search engines results provide, but it doesn’t mean that this info can’t be found anywhere. If your name or address are registered somewhere, people will still be able to find you online.
Step 4: Delete All Nicknames Linked To Your E-Mail
If someone tries hard, he will be able to find all your nicknames with the help of your e-mail that you used for registration on different forums, blogs, and websites. These nicknames can help them find your real name out. The process of this info removal will depend on websites where you singed up.
The ideal variant is to delete your primary e-mail from there. Or you should try to change the nickname at least. When it comes to forums, ask their moderators to delete all your posts, and come up with new nicknames for all these websites.
Step 5: Maintain Your Anonymity
Now your task is to be on the alert to prevent the leakage of your personal data to the Web. No social networks with your real name! Monitor the websites from time to time to make sure that no new information about you appeared. You will have to create an account of a non-existent person, as well as a new e-mail, specially for the work on the Internet. If you don’t want to spend much time selecting a name for your fictional character, you can use some name generators.
But even having done all the machinations described above, you will not be able to destroy all the information about yourself on the Web. People who have a strong desire to find you will do that by all means, but it will be much more problematic. Well, you’ll protect yourself from curious persons at least, and increase the level of your personal data confidentiality.