
Becoming A Great Leader

Being a good team leader or manager is not just about increasing sales and getting your team to work hard. While these may be best for business and profits, you may find that the manager is going about it the wrong way and creating a build up of resentment among the team, which could one day spill over and blow all your profits to smithereens.

A genuinely good leader will be recognized as such by the team that works with them, and this is one way in which a 360 degree appraisal can help you to establish the feelings of a team towards their leader. All leaders should encourage honest feedback from their staff, which is conducted through anonymous staff surveys. It is only by accepting the bad with the good that a leader can truly become great, through understanding where they’re going wrong (as well as where they’re going right) and making steps to improve in these areas.

Of course, this last point is extremely important. A leader who receives criticism or negative feedback but who is unwilling or unprepared to make any changes is not a good leader. What’s more, employees who see that their voice isn’t being heard are also likely to build up even more resentment against management that doesn’t listen to them. Using a 360 degree feedback to gather information and yet not acting on the results of that is a pointless exercise which could end up doing more harm than good.