Don’t Wait Until Your Drains Backs Up
If you have ever experienced a drain blockage, you already know how unpleasant they can be. There really is nothing worse than opening your washing machine to put your clothes in, only to discover that the machine is full of sewage. If your washing machine has sewage in it, so does your dishwasher and most of the pipe work in your home.
If you happen to be away when your drains block up, things can get even worse. Sewage can build up and spill over into your home. If you want to avoid having this happen to you, it is important to recognize the early signs of drain problems and call someone to carry out drain cleaning.
The Early Signs of Drain Problems
Here are some of the warning signs that can alert you to a potential problem:
The smell of sewage
Usually, before the drains block up completely you may notice a faint smell of sewage in your home.
Toilet is not flushing properly
If your toilet is flushing as normal, but not all solids are being washed away, this can be an early sign of problems with your drains.
Sink slow to drain
If your bath or sink is taking longer to drain than normal, this can also be an early sign of trouble.
Laundry is not as dry as normal
If your drains are blocking up you may notice that your laundry is more damp than normal when you remove it from the machine.