Five Ways To Lose Body Fat And Increase Lean Mass
You may have heard that you increase your muscle mass while you are at rest. Some people say that you increase the size of your muscles when you work out in the gymnasium. I think you have understood by now what I am trying to say. Yes, you got it right. There are always contradictory statements to what we are practicing. Different theories and lack of information may confuse you and this may alter your growth. Here are a few rules, which are free from any of contradictions.
You Have to Eat Frequently
Experts recommend eating 6 to 8 meals in a day. This means you have to eat something after every two hours. Meal frequency will also ensure the proper supply of nutrients to your body. This will keep your metabolic rate at high level and your body will act like a furnace. The food is like coal and you have to ensure its supply.
Weight Training
You may be aware of the fact that more muscle you have the more calories you will burn. The more your body will burn, the more you can consume without increasing the fat percentage. Weight training or resistance training makes your body to make use of more calories in a post workout period. After every workout session your metabolic rate is increased and stays at that level for 48 hours. Structural changes made to this steroid will benefit you.
Cardio Exercises
Cardiovascular exercises are good for the blood flow which is results in nutrients delivery to different parts of your body. Proper supply of nutrients will help you to recover faster from your workout session and increase lean mass. It will also help burning calories; it doesn’t matter whether you do a high intensity cardio workout or opt for a low intensity.
Stay Away From Stress
Stress is responsible for a lot of nasty things, which may cause harm to your physique. It increases the secretion of stress hormones which will increase the fat gain process and keep a check on fat loss. Continuous stress will make you sick and you may do silly things to your body which will harm it in the long run.
There are many ways by which you can be under pressure. It can be your family, your work, your business or any other given situation. Try to distract your mind from those things, which are causing hindrance to your weight loss efforts. Stay consistent to your short-term goals and when you achieve them, you will feel good, it will also increase your confidence level. You can also try brisk walking, yoga and meditation to increase the hormonal secretion in your body.
Health Products
Various weight loss supplements are available and you can consume them with the advice of your physician. Your physician or your physical trainer knows better as which supplement will cater your physical requirements with organic results. These supplements are designed for weight loss as well as to enhance the muscle definition. Structural changes made to this steroid will increase the muscle gain process.