How To Treat Varicose Veins?
Many persons including the men and women suffer from varicose veins that give ugly looks if not any painful sensations. The major cause of this ailment is the disordered valve in the main draining vein associated with our legs. This fault results in backflow and overflow of blood that leads to problematic veins that bloat. It makes some sort of pressure on the veins that become visible and varicose. It is recommended that the sufferers must visit the suitable physicians or clinics including the Vein Institute of Toronto where you can take varicose veins treatment.
Following treatment methods can help in setting aright this disease:
- Ligation (surgical stripping) – Most of the doctors recommend this particular method for getting rid of this ailment, i.e. varicose veins. Few cuts from the groin to just below the knee, ties off (ligates) are performed on the vein that is removed in full. Recovery period for this procedure is about four to six weeks and about seventy five percent of the patients get recovered in successful manners. An anesthetic must be present to supervise this procedure. This is one of the effective procedures for setting aright the varicose veins in even manners.
- Pills and Creams – Over the counter cream including Invisi-Vein from Venus Naturals is there to provide sufficient relief. This wonderful cream contains calendula extract that is enriched with anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin, the major content of this cream works wonders in giving sufficient relief.
Venarin, an effective medicine in the shape of pills introduced by Nutrica enriched with horse chestnut and other such constituents provides sufficient relief. Horse chestnut gives quick relief from painful sensations if any. The size of varicose vein can be reduced to great extent with these pills, i.e. Venarin.
- Compression Stockings – These stockings are meant for reducing pressure on the varicose veins. Circulation of blood throughout the body including the veins is improved to much extent with these stockings that are much helpful for the patients. Regular use works wonders in providing sufficient relaxation.
- Endovenous Laser Ablation – This invasive procedure is performed under the guidance of experienced doctor and local anaesthetic. A small hollow tube is inserted into the major draining vein of the leg. Lasers are used for sealing off the vein. It results in the blood to be forced through a secondary venous system that helps in relieving the pressure on the bloated unusual varicose veins. They get shrunk to usual and invisible size. Seems surprising but it is true that about ninety percent of the patients are treated well with this particular method of treatment.
- Sclerotherapy – This procedure involves an injection of salt solution that is injected through a small needle into the varicose vein. The lining of the vein is irritated that gets turned into a scar tissue which in turns reabsorbs into the body. Be careful that the patients should not have any problem with the valve in the main draining vein in the leg otherwise the problem may reappear.
Patients suffering from varicose veins must not cross their legs while sitting. Regular exercises help in blood circulation throughout the body including the legs. Prolonged sitting or standing must be avoided. Tight clothes should be kept at bay.