Know The Symptoms Of Meningioma
There are many toes of tumour. Some are malignant and some are not. Meningioma is also a type of tumour which gets developed from the meninges. Now, the question is, what is meninges? Well, meninges are a type of membrane which mainly covers the brain and the spinal cord of a human body.
Most of the meingioma tumours according to physicians can be catered as a benign tumour and the rest; which is a very few percentage can be considered as a malignant type of tumour or a atypical type of tumour. But if one has to go under treatment they also need to know meningioma brain tumour surgery cost in India; but only physicians can help the patients out to know and get the right information.
It is also said that sometimes a benign meningioma tumour grows very slowly. That is why; the symptoms start showing much later and when it starts showing the tumour may have already become a bit bigger in size. This meningioma accounts for almost 27 percent of all the primary brain tumours and that is why; it is stated to be the most common type if brain tumour that occurs within human beings.
Now, the question is what are the risk factors that one should be aware of in case of meningioma tumours? Here are some pointers that one should be aware of.
- The experts and physicians say that, this type of tumour is a common appearance to the people who are aged between 40 years to 70 years. This type of tumour occurs mostly to women that in men. It is a very rare case that meningioma tumour can happen to a children and according to paediatricians there is only 1.5 percentage of chance that a baby can be a prey of this tumour.
- According to doctors, this meningioma tumour can happen as a result of some previous trauma suffered by the patient. They may have suffered from a previous accident trauma or some skull fracture which can raise the risk of being suffering from meningioma. On the other hand, exposure to radiation can also lead to the formation of this tumour. Some people suffer from genetic disorders. That is why; meningioma can happen to them as well.
- There are some symptoms to understand meningioma. People can go and have a proper check up if they are suffering from frequent headaches, blurred vision, sudden numbness, and speech difficulty, weakness in arms and legs and seizures. Yes, all the symptoms may not occur in a single body but if someone is facing a few then they should consider it seriously.
- One can ask their physician to go for an MRI scan or a CT scan to find out whether the tumour is benign or a malignant one. It has to be observed properly for at least three to eight months before a definite treatment measure is taken.
Price of meningioma brain tumour surgery can be suggested by a proper surgeon or a physician who are engaged in this treatment.