What To Consider When Buying Cleaning Products
Neat and clean things in our homes and offices give us a feeling of comfort, pleasure and pride. We need to keep our belongings free from dust and dirt. They not only destroy their looks but also damage them in a big way apart from creating health issues. As such we require cleaning products that are quite safe and free from any harmful chemicals and toxins that may harm our skin, food and other things apart from creating indoor air pollution that is quite damaging.
We need to consider the following while purchasing professional cleaning products –
- Ingredients – It is suggested that you go through the list of ingredients that are contained in the cleaning products that you bring home. Such products with herbal ingredients should be preferred. Many manufacturers may dupe you with harmful products by not disclosing their ingredients that could contain toxins and other harmful elements in them. Just ignore such products that do not have the ingredients tag with them.
- Your preferences – Many of you may love the organic cleaning products that contain herbal components in them. Better look out for the following:
- Baking Soda – This is a great and safe product for cleaning purposes. It is able to suit hard water, pet messes and other things. Take little water and mix some quantity of baking soda in it. Add some vinegar and clean the needy item by scrubbing up in gentle manners. Tiles, pans, pots, carpets, toilets, tubs and stained clothes can cleaned in perfect manners by making use of this soda.
- Lemon Juice – It is widely used for cutting grease and removing the stains.
iii. Borax – This is another laundry additive that can be used for household cleaning purposes too. Small children should not be allowed to have access to borax.
- Castile Soap – Made from vegetable oils, this gentle soap is free from toxins. It is quite popular for usual cleaning, body wash, laundry, shampooing and hand wash etc. Many people use it as toothpaste.
- Vinegar – This is one of the best professional cleaning products that are quite popular amongst millions of users. White vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar give wonderful results in cleaning any item in perfect manners. They are useful for soaking the toilets, sinks and showers.
- Washing soda – Looks like baking soda but is stronger in nature. This great laundry additive gives good results.
- Honesty and labeling tricks – Beware of the products that are associated with tags like Danger, Caution, Irritant, Corrosive, Warning or Poison etc. Many unscrupulous suppliers and manufacturers may dupe you with such tags that in fact do not mean what they highlight. Instead be wise to buy the products that do not say anything about such caution marks etc.
Likewise many cleaning products may bear ‘Non-Toxic’ / ‘Natural’ / ‘Eco-Friendly’ labels on them. This may not be true in reality. Better ask for the ingredients that are the best way to judge the features of the professional cleaning products.
Giving due consideration to the above simple tips can be of great help in choosing the safe cleaning products.
Cleanliness is a must for our home, office, garden, etc. The kitchen is something where we cook food that should be most hygienic because it directly affects our health. Even restaurants where we eat before eating should see if they are clean or not. The product ingredients that you suggest in this blog are really amazing. That’s a really tremendous job! Thank you is not enough for this blog.